TN SRT-A members undergo extensive training and course work in a wide variety of skills. All team members are at a minimum certified to the National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) SARTECH II level, ICS trained, and are fully self sufficient for 24 hours. All team members must certify with full field equipment, including radio, 24hr pack or greater, and any other necessary equipment to complete the task.

Zumi 21Nov20


Incident Management (ICS)
Lost Person Behavior
Crime Scene Preservation
Land Navigation
Wilderness First Aid
Hazardous Terrain and Rope Rescue
Swiftwater Rescue
Signcutting and Mantracking
Search Techniques and Tactics
Scent Theory
GPS Use and Map Integration
HAM Radio Operation
Urban Search and Rescue
Disaster Response
Canine Search Specialist

NC steel creek


NASAR SARTECH II  - Wilderness Responder / Operational (requirements)
NASAR SARTECH I - Wilderness Backcountry Responder  (requirements)
NASAR SARTECH SAR MGR (requirements)
Swiftwater Rescue Technician
Wilderness First Aid Responder
Wilderness EMT

Canine Area Search III
Canine Area Search II
Canine Area Search I

Canine Human Remains Detection Land III (forensic)
Canine Human Remains Detection Land Other
Canine Human Remains Detection Swiftwater Type I *
Canine Human Remains Detection Stillwater Type II *

Canine Tracking / Trailing III
Canine Tracking / Trailing II
Canine Tracking / Trailing I **

* Team members do not test for shoreline only or open water only. All tests must encompass
both stations
** All team member canine Trailing I candidates must be tested to the original standard of 
2  1.5 - 2mi. tracks, one wilderness and one urban within 24hrs.